Interested in rappelling? Read through the FAQ below for all the information you need to get you started. Registration is open now!

Rappelling down the side of a building? Really?

  • Yes! Sounds crazy, but this event is being done in partnership with Over the Edge, a fundraising organization that has done events like this at buildings around the world.

What is it like?

  • This is not your typical rock climbing rappel! You will be wearing a full-body industrial harness and using an industrial descender to go down. You can control your speed to a certain extent. Should you go too fast, the back-up device will engage. Getting your weight off the roof and into the harness is the difficult part for most people. You will have an opportunity to practice your technique during training, and a technician will guide you through these first few steps. Once you’re over the edge, you will have a radio to communicate with your technician, but basically you are on your own. Don’t forget to stop and take in the view!

How many people can do the rappel?

  • We are estimating there will only be between 60-80 spots available during the Stories to Save Lives event on Saturday, May 2, 2015.

Do I have to have prior rappelling experience?

  • Absolutely no experience is necessary and we provide all the training you need to make the rappel.

Can anyone do it?

  • You have to be 18 years old and you have to weigh between 100 and 300 pounds.

How long will it take?

  • It usually takes between 10 to 15 minutes to do the actual rappel but the full experience will take 60-90 minutes for training, getting suited up, and the inevitable paperwork. Plus, we’re doing a fun party on the ground so you can come before or stay after to take part in the festivities.

Is it hard?

  • Rappelling can take more effort than some people expect, and you may find that your hands or arms get tired. You can stop to rest or switch hands if you need a break. If you find yourself unable to do it on your own, a technician can lower you to the ground.

What should I wear?

  • You’re going to be walking down the side of a building so wear good shoes. Well-fitting sneakers, light hiking boots, or other soft soled shoes are recommended. No sandals, slip-on shoes, slippers, flip flops, high heels, or steel toed boots will be allowed. Wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Athletic pants, tights and jeans are suitable. The harness goes around your legs, waist, and shoulders, so it is best to avoid anything too bulky. Shirts should be comfortable and without draw cords. Long hair should be tied back. You will be required to leave items like keys, cell phones, or jewelry that can get caught on things with a staff member on-site. You will be given a pair of leather gloves and a helmet when you arrive.

Can I wear a costume?

  • We would love for you to dress up for the rappel! All costumes will need to meet the same standards as listed above. Capes will have to be approved by the Site Safety Supervisor for the main rappel. If you have a question about what alterations your costume will need, please email pictures of your costume prior to the event to TBD so we can check it out and suggest alterations if need be.

Can my friends and family watch?

  • Absolutely! We’re planning a Landing Zone experience poolside at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City with entertainment, food, and activities and it’ll have a great view of everyone coming down the side of the building. Only registered rappellers are allowed in the staging areas and on the roof.

How do I secure a position to rappel?

  • We would like you to set a fundraising goal of $1,500 for ECAN during the fundraising period (from when you register through June 2, 2015), but there is some flexibility in this that we can discuss with you 1 on 1. We will provide you with all of the support you need to reach your fundraising goal including a dedicated web page, access to literature about the event and ECAN, an informative strategy guide on how to maximize your donations, sample donation request letters, and more!

Are there incentives for raising more money?

  • Yes, of course! And if you do you qualify for some amazing upgrades like video cameras and VIP treatment plus top fundraiser prizes like a Viking River Cruise for 2 to Europe! Read all about our fundraising levels and prizes.

How do I raise money?

  • We will provide you with all of the support you need to reach your fundraising goal including a dedicated web page, access to literature about the event and ECAN, sample donation request letters, and more! All of that material will be available on our Fundraising 101 page to get you started.

How do I sign up?